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SportsBiz Sports Marketing

Client: SportsBiz - SportsBiz.com
Role: Junior Product Designer - Part Time Freelance
Timeline: 3 months
Tools: XD

Problem: SportsBiz is gearing up for their MVP release and need to tie up a few Hi-Fidelity deliverables. They are in need to a general style guide, login flow and data vis for a select group of screen within their DeepSport platform.

Objective: Create a style guide with the help of team members and apply it to a login flow and data vis in Hi-Fidelity within 3 months.

Style Guide

With the help of the Lead Product Designer, we put together a style guide that aligned with the branding and marketing that SportsBiz had already done.

Login Flow

With the style guide in place I moved on to the user flows. A “nothing fancy” login with registration and 2-factor authentication.

Final Screens with Data Vis

As part of my contract I provided a handful of Hi-Fi wireframes and data visualizations.

Next Steps

SportsBiz was a quick fun bit of digital design that gave me some great insights in the world of sports marketing!